Ok, well not really starving. But in the money department, I would rather spend less than more. I'm just now finding some sites that could help me with that, which is good.
Plus, the US dollar went above parity today with the AUS dollar, which is super good! Of course, that only lasted for a few hours, but hopefully it'll get back up within the next two weeks and stay there. I'm still not completely sure how this whole currency-exchange thing is going to go. All I know is that I can use my debit card at some ATMs over there without being charged any fees (score!) and that wiring money is really, really expensive. As in, more than $30 in fees expensive. Yikes. That's a week's worth of groceries right there...
As for cheaper options for buying stuff, I've found these websites so far. Australia doesn't have Amazon (WHAT), and so I hope I can find my textbooks cheaply enough....
Stuff for college kids (and tips on saving money!) can be found at http://www.studyadelaide.com/living-in-adelaide/eat-sleep-play.aspx
Craigslist is pretty lame in Australia, but these look like good substitutes: http://www.gumtree.com.au/ and http://www.tradingpost.com.au/
And since I can't drive, I'll probably be using http://www.dpti.sa.gov.au/communityprograms/programs/cycle_instead a lot. Once I get a bike, that is. Turns out, my dorm is a 30 minute bike ride to the beach. I bet I can get it down to 25 :)
Now, to figure out what I can afford to put on my Australian bucket list....
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