Wednesday, March 13, 2013

And we all breathe a sigh of relief

The fever that has been Adelaide's heat wave has finally broken! Temperatures aren't supposed to get back in the 90s (or 30s) until next Wednesday...if they even do. Fingers crossed that they don't, though- I'm loving these 77 degree days! I can't wait to see how running feels without having to worry about the heat :)

Of course, this technically hasn't even been a heat wave. In Adelaide, a heat wave needs to have 5 consecutive days over 95 (or 35). I think it's stayed around 94, 93 most of the time here. But semantics aside, it has been HOT. It's currently the hottest March that Adelaide's had in a long time.

The lovely architects that designed the house I've been living in decided that it would be a good idea to carpet the entire house.So with no air conditioning and 16 hours of sun a day, the house has been quite the sauna. I remember not using the air conditioning before, but that was in our house back in Grosse Pointe where 80 is considered a hot day. After these past weeks, I have a whole new level of respect for cold showers and people who live without AC. Why anyone would want to move to this country without cooling escapes me.

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