Adelaide falls asleep at around 8 pm. Seriously, not much is open past 7. Which stinks if you ever want to go out and do something, but it's awesome if you just like to walk around and explore in peace.
My blog about leaving the states and going to Aussieland for a full year. Hopefully it'll include koalas and surfing and lots and lots of football!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Perth Part 2: Or how my fall break became really expensive
Guys, I really like Perth. It's not super exciting like I'd imagine Sydney and Melbourne would be, but hey, it's better than Adelaide. Plus, the food is really REALLY good. My first night back I went to this Indian restaurant called Annalakshmi- it's a buffet that is (get ready) all you can pay! As an American (aka poor) student (aka poorer) this phrase is music to the ears. So when I went, I ate way too much food- it was all vegetarian and they had a selection of curries and rices and even this tamarind soup that was pretty interesting. But when I found out it was being run by a charity, I ended up giving them $20. Ugh, conscious.
I think I'm starting to turn into a city girl. I had no qualms walking about the city by myself at night and shooting different areas. Considering I used to be (and still kind of am) afraid of the dark, I would say that is pretty good! It was a Saturday night, so there were people all dressed up for the clubs and bars- it was pretty classy.
On my day 2 back I went to Fremantle with a super adorable Korean gal from my dorm. At my hostel, most of the other people were staying for at least a few weeks; apparently, Perth is a good place for backpackers to find work. Fremantle is very cool- it's a small beach town with a market, an old prison, and a nice harbor with a plethora of fish and chips places. Plus, the Little Creatures microbrew is there and it's not bad. Not bad at all.
Next stop was the beach. I have officially been to 75% of the world's oceans, people! Whoop! It's a shame I won't be able to get to the Arctic Ocean when I go to Iceland, but I'll just have to travel some more to get there :) The water was nice- pretty warm, actually- but the weather was fussy. It would rain for 30 seconds and then get really windy and then sunny BUT WAIT more rain and wind. So not super fun but a nice day overall.
I was super keen to get back into the city by 5 pm because that was when the paczki truck was going to close. But funny story, while I was eating a plum paczek my flight to Adelaide was departing. I had thought it was leaving on Monday, not Sunday (plot twist!), and only figured that out when I tried to print my boarding passes a day late. WHOOPS. But in my extra 24 hours I got a nice tour of the hipster district and King's Park from the Buckeye Shia LeBouf lookalike I met my first day here. So it wasn't a complete waste. But now I know to write down my itineraries...or tattoo them, depending on how important they are!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Northcliffe in Pictures
Over the week, I found out my hosts were a little politically alternative, that fake meat is kind of disgusting, and that weeding for 5 hours a day by yourself can a) make you go crazy and b) kill your back. But overall it was a good experience. I recommend Help-Ex-ing for anyone who doesn't go into situations with too many preconceptions! Now for some photos:
My hut. I lived in a storage container for a week |
To be fair, it wasn't that bad. But it would have been better if: a. I knew how to make a fire b. I didn't have to hear rats every night |
Mill community right by the town center |
The granite rock on which I lost one of my memory cards :( |
Karri trees- very, very big eucalypts |
My reading material for the week. The New Woman is from 1999, and the Woman's Day is from 2004. |
My hosts didn't throw anything away. Apparently, letting cars oxidize is more environmentally friendly than recycling the metal? |
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
1 graph, 2 lessons
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And by "novelty" I mean "exasperation." No, English is not my first language... |
I've found that, as I've hung around animals for longer periods of time, I keep assuming they understand more and more English. By the end of this trip, I'll be discussing the sociology behind the authoritarian regime in 1984 with the alpacas.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Alive and well in Northcliffe
Finally got to meet my
hostel mates. There was a guy from Lapland and a couple of Korean
girls. Once I said I studied in Texas, the girls got really excited.
Apparently, they want to travel to Texas to meet some cowboys. And
yes, of course I encouraged it.
I love how every bus
station in every city on the face of the planet has to be located in
a sketchy area (no, parents, not that sketchy. This is Australia, not Detroit). It took a while to trek from the hostel to the
bus stop, but luckily I got there. Pro tip: if you ever need to get
to/from the East Perth station, just suck it up and get a cab. Not
worth the confusing map directions and lack of confidence that occurs
when you notice your neighborhood is a bit different.
The bus ride was long
and boring. The coach reminded me of the coaches we used to take to
go to Chicago for our middle school orchestra competitions, except I
got a whole row to myself, there wasn't always a movie playing, and
there was a LOT less drama ;) (Not that we could help it, of course.
That's just how middle school goes.) Luckily for me, it was raining
the entire ride down so I slept through most of it.
Northcliffe is cute
but so so so small. I got picked up by my hostess and taken to their
property. They live on 12 acres- most of it is bush, but the gardens
are considerable. While I'm here, I'll be staying in a boxcar. Just
like the Boxcar Children, except my life will just be turned into
boring blog posts rather than a boring book series. It's really not
nearly as bad as it sounds, though; in fact, I like it. It's got a
wooden stove for heat and a lofted bed and stained glass and a stove
for tea, and tons of reading material. The one thing I'll have to
get used to is the bathroom being outside. I just don't like the dark.
When I first read
about the shed on HelpX I though, “really?” But it makes sense
now: my hosts live in a shed, too. They're in the process of building
their own house. It's really cool: they're using a combination of
reclaimed and environmentally-friendly materials to make their home.
My hosts are super into sustainable practices: their farm sounds like
it's straight out of The Omnivore's Dilemma.
They have chickens for fertilizer and have surrounded their farm by
bush. And they have these crazy fruits I've never heard of before. I
tried a fruit from South America (I can't remember the name of it for the life of me) today- it tasted like a
creamy, coconut-ty pear. I'm excited to see what other sorts of
things I come across while I'm here.
far, my hosts seem like wonderful people, and the area is quiet and
calm. I think it's the perfect place for me right now. I'm surrounded
by green things, I don't have to worry about city drivers cursing at
me for no reason while I'm on my bike, and I can't check Facebook
constantly on my phone. I like getting away from it all every once in
a while, and spending my nights reading and blogging in front of a
fire while Norah Jones is playing sounds like a good time to me.
A taste o' Perth
The flight to Perth
was long. Even though I've flown a lot, and I'm from the United
States, it still amazes me how far away Australian cities are from
each other. Adelaide to Perth took 3.5 hours- I think that is about
the same amount of time it would take to fly from St. Louis or
Chicago to Los Angeles. But I've definitely been on worse flights.
Mass transit in Perth
is weird. (I think) there is only one bus that takes you from the
airport to the CBD. This bus takes the most convoluted route any bus
could take; the bus took a turn at least once every kilometer and
spent most of its time on really dark, sketchy back streets. The
roads didn't help, either. In typical Australian fashion, there were
those useless traffic circles everywhere. I felt so seasick just
getting to my hostel!
Once I got into the
city, though, it seemed really nice. Like Adelaide, Perth is pretty
clean and well-lit. And the weather was awesome- mid 70s with a nice
breeze :) And, as far as I know, the city is friendly too! On my way
to dinner, I met another guy from not just the United States, but
from the Metro Detroit area, small world! Even though he studied at
Ohio State (ssssssss...) we hung out for a while. It's always kind of
nice to meet other Americans since there really aren't many around
besides the few that have come to Adelaide together. Apparently, I
was the only American he had met since the Superbowl. Dang...
The hostel was really
cool on the outside: it was previously a military barrack (hence the
name Old Swan Barrack Hostel). But when I checked in at 10, everyone
in my room was already asleep! C'mon backpackers, what do you do if
you don't explore or go crazy? Plus, some guy stole my pillow, so I
had to sleep with my head on the kinda-gross duvet. What a weenie.
Over it.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
The meaning of procrastination
In my Latin class freshman year of high school, we had a report due every Friday about how Latin was involved in our lives. Usually, we'd just bring coins or stamps or old collegiate mottoes to class. I remember one week someone just brought the word "procrastinate"- the word literally means "for tomorrow." It's apt.
Anyway, I bring this up because I want to make this blog post as long as possible and I don't have much to write about. Exams start tomorrow- eek!- and I am not keen on starting my studying for the night. So, I have turned to Photoshop. It's really effective at helping me waste time...thank goodness.
I started looking at photos from the beach/sunset shoot this Sunday. In the usual fashion, I forgot to charge my battery and so it died about 1.5 hours before the sunset actually happened. I will definitely be buying an extra battery if I keep this up! But anyway, a friend lent me his camera for a good part of the sunset. So I have pictures, just not in a form I can use- his camera shoots in .RW2s and apparently I need to download something for that (aside- I hate technology). But the area was still really pretty! Not much of a beach, but sand gets annoying after a while.
Anyway, I bring this up because I want to make this blog post as long as possible and I don't have much to write about. Exams start tomorrow- eek!- and I am not keen on starting my studying for the night. So, I have turned to Photoshop. It's really effective at helping me waste time...thank goodness.
I started looking at photos from the beach/sunset shoot this Sunday. In the usual fashion, I forgot to charge my battery and so it died about 1.5 hours before the sunset actually happened. I will definitely be buying an extra battery if I keep this up! But anyway, a friend lent me his camera for a good part of the sunset. So I have pictures, just not in a form I can use- his camera shoots in .RW2s and apparently I need to download something for that (aside- I hate technology). But the area was still really pretty! Not much of a beach, but sand gets annoying after a while.
![]() |
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Fall break!
I just booked most of my tickets for fall break. Whoop whoop! I'll be spending one week in Northcliffe, Western Australia. If that doesn't sound like a huge tourist trap, that's probably because it's not- only 412 people live in this town and, contrary to my first thoughts, it's not actually on the beach. It is close to some national parks, and if I am keen on going to the beach I could borrow a bike for the 25km trek. I will be staying a few nights in Perth, though, so maybe I can get my Indian Ocean-ing on more easily there! In Northcliffe, I'll be doing some HelpXing/WWOOFing (look at me, turning all euro) at an organic farm. I'm excited for whatever adventure it will turn out to be :)
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Trash, technology, and topology. Also known as Easter break.
Because Adelaide is apparently a more religious city than College Station (I don't know how that works, either), we all got a 4 day weekend for Easter. I definitely won't complain, but let's be real, Texas. You are the creator of the Bible Belt. It's embarrassing that I usually have to go to class on Good Friday.
My weekend was exciting! Lots of things happened, and I got many opportunities to spend a lot of money.
On Friday, I went around with a friend and tried to find "dirty" areas of Adelaide to photograph- he's into taking pictures of graffiti, garbage bins, abandoned buildings, etc and so I said sure, why not. Now, the problem with this is that Adelaide is a really clean city. You know how cities usually have bums and trash everywhere? Yeah, not Adelaide. I don't understand why- I've been in smaller cities much dirtier (Detroit's population is 75% that of Adelaide)- but my theory is that there is a undercover janitor gang that literally sweeps the streets at night. But anyway, here are some photos. I learned a lot and it was a good time... but then again, anything that gets me dirty and climbing is a riot for me.
Then, on Saturday, I taught my phone how to swim. Well, either that or it was tired of being my music player, because it fell out of my hands and jumped into the drainage system. Dear engineers: please redesign runoff drains so that electronics can't use them to end their lives. I had to drop another $60 just on a silly phone for 3 months. But, on the bright side, the Vodafone guy and I are BFFs now. And I now know to start wearing clothing with pockets.
Sunday was dreary and raining and cold and all the drivers were in a bad mood. Monday involved a lot of topology that I had forgotten. And apparently I have two tests the day before I leave for Perth next week? Great timing, professors. I will be doing a lot of studying these next few days.
My weekend was exciting! Lots of things happened, and I got many opportunities to spend a lot of money.
On Friday, I went around with a friend and tried to find "dirty" areas of Adelaide to photograph- he's into taking pictures of graffiti, garbage bins, abandoned buildings, etc and so I said sure, why not. Now, the problem with this is that Adelaide is a really clean city. You know how cities usually have bums and trash everywhere? Yeah, not Adelaide. I don't understand why- I've been in smaller cities much dirtier (Detroit's population is 75% that of Adelaide)- but my theory is that there is a undercover janitor gang that literally sweeps the streets at night. But anyway, here are some photos. I learned a lot and it was a good time... but then again, anything that gets me dirty and climbing is a riot for me.
New rule of thumb(?) If it grosses you out, take a picture of it |
To offset the dead bird. Also, it was the cutest duck by far |
Sunday was dreary and raining and cold and all the drivers were in a bad mood. Monday involved a lot of topology that I had forgotten. And apparently I have two tests the day before I leave for Perth next week? Great timing, professors. I will be doing a lot of studying these next few days.
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