Tuesday, April 09, 2013

The meaning of procrastination

In my Latin class freshman year of high school, we had a report due every Friday about how Latin was involved in our lives. Usually, we'd just bring coins or stamps or old collegiate mottoes to class. I remember one week someone just brought the word "procrastinate"- the word literally means "for tomorrow." It's apt.

Anyway, I bring this up because I want to make this blog post as long as possible and I don't have much to write about. Exams start tomorrow- eek!- and I am not keen on starting my studying for the night. So, I have turned to Photoshop. It's really effective at helping me waste time...thank goodness.

I started looking at photos from the beach/sunset shoot this Sunday. In the usual fashion, I forgot to charge my battery and so it died about 1.5 hours before the sunset actually happened. I will definitely be buying an extra battery if I keep this up! But anyway, a friend lent me his camera for a good part of the sunset. So I have pictures, just not in a form I can use- his camera shoots in .RW2s and apparently I need to download something for that (aside- I hate technology). But the area was still really pretty! Not much of a beach, but sand gets annoying after a while.

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