Monday, July 09, 2012

Transit Adventures!

I'm extremely tired. Miserably, excruciatingly, mind-numbingly tired. It's 8:32 pm here in Los Angeles, and I've been up since 3:00 am. Once I board my plane at 10, I have another 4 hours before I am allowing myself to fall asleep- it's my attempt at getting to a somewhat Australian sleep schedule.

I'm not good at arithmetic , but I am pretty sure that this plan involves 23 hours of being awake. BLURGH.

So far, though, the last 17 hours have been pretty eventful. On my flight to LAX, I sat behind a guy who apparantly liked to take a lot of topless pictures of himself. Don't call me a creeper, but he was surfing through his iPhone pictures and they were awkwardly screaming to me the way those Myspace-worthy pictures do. I immediately thought, "What the...? What is this? Who does this guy think he is?"

Well, funny story: once he left the plane, the girl next to me asked, "Wait, isn't that the guy who played the evil husband in Titanic?"

Yup. It was Billy Zane. The guy thinks he's a movie star, apparently.

Then, after a few hours of tearing my hair out in baggage claim, my mom's friend from Grosse Pointe picked me up to show me around the area. We went to the Getty Museum, which is pretty much the most legit museum complex I have seen. I really like LA's architecture. The gardens were beautiful, too. They had these vines encased by an iron frame so that they grew into a tree shape. It was awesome.

On our way back from the museum, we got a flat. I can now say that I can survive a flat tire change on the 405. Booyah. It took about 15 minutes. I think that was pretty beast.

After that debacle, we all ate at this restaurant in the middle of LAX. It was spaceship themed and had the creepiest elevators I have ever encountered- when you pressed the button to go up to the restaurant, a song started playing, and the elevator wouldn't let you go until it stopped. It wasn't smooth jazz, either- it was psychadelic space funk. Freaky. The rest of the place looked like it was right from the 70s, but the mushroom ravioli was really good.

And now I'm waiting in the Virgin lounge/terminal for my flight. 30 minutes until we board. Virgin has a strange style for their terminals. It makes me feel like I'm a jazz lounge. They have bar lights and backlit signs at their check-in counter, and their muzak involves Gaga/Adele mashups. It boggles my mind. Whoever told Richard Branson this would sell is crazy and brilliant.

I will be so happy to get into Adelaide.

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