Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Final Stretch!

Guys, I am so excited about spring break starting tomorrow. You don't even know.

I leave in less than 24 hours. Until then, I am going to be super busy. I've got to pack, get some veggie food (probably just lots and lots of peanut butter), make a ton of cds to entertain everyone for that ridiculously long drive, clean for our apartment inspection, and study for yet another ecology test on marine and freshwater systems. I'm debating whether or not I should even try to do laundry today- part of me thinks that it's the proper thing to do, but the majority of me sees it as a waste of time considering everyone on this trip will be so disgusting after only the first few days.

To be honest, I have no idea what we're doing or where we're going or how anything is being planned out. All I know is that we're driving north and should see some big rocks on our trip. I can't drive since I'm soooo young, so all I have to do is get on a bus and meet everyone at the grocery store. And then we'll be off! Thank goodness I trust the people driving :)

The week after won't be super exciting, but I hope I'll be able to (finally) take a surfing lesson and catch up on those major assignments that every class feels is necessary for the break. Plus, there are a few gatherings already planned, and so it'll be good to just relax and hang out with people.

It feels so weird being more than halfway through school, especially since everyone back home is still in their first month of the semester.

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