Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Trash, technology, and topology. Also known as Easter break.

Because Adelaide is apparently a more religious city than College Station (I don't know how that works, either), we all got a 4 day weekend for Easter. I definitely won't complain, but let's be real, Texas. You are the creator of the Bible Belt. It's embarrassing that I usually have to go to class on Good Friday.

My weekend was exciting! Lots of things happened, and I got many opportunities to spend a lot of money.

On Friday, I went around with a friend and tried to find "dirty" areas of Adelaide to photograph- he's into taking pictures of graffiti, garbage bins, abandoned buildings, etc and so I said sure, why not. Now, the problem with this is that Adelaide is a really clean city. You know how cities usually have bums and trash everywhere? Yeah, not Adelaide. I don't understand why- I've been in smaller cities much dirtier (Detroit's population is 75% that of Adelaide)- but my theory is that there is a undercover janitor gang that literally sweeps the streets at night. But anyway, here are some photos. I learned a lot and it was a good time... but then again, anything that gets me dirty and climbing is a riot for me.

New rule of thumb(?) If it grosses you out, take a picture of it

To offset the dead bird. Also, it was the cutest duck by far
Then, on Saturday, I taught my phone how to swim. Well, either that or it was tired of being my music player, because it fell out of my hands and jumped into the drainage system. Dear engineers: please redesign runoff drains so that electronics can't use them to end their lives. I had to drop another $60 just on a silly phone for 3 months. But, on the bright side, the Vodafone guy and I are BFFs now. And I now know to start wearing clothing with pockets.

Sunday was dreary and raining and cold and all the drivers were in a bad mood. Monday involved a lot of topology that I had forgotten. And apparently I have two tests the day before I leave for Perth next week? Great timing, professors. I will be doing a lot of studying these next few days.

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